Tuesday, October 19, 2010

School some years ago...

When we asked our grandparents and parents they told us that.....

....they haven't had this modern technology - as we know - for example a calculator, computers, the world wide web.

....they had to go to school not only from Monday to Friday also on Saturdays.

....in Germany we don't wear school uniforms, but some of our grandparants did. The boys wear ties and the girls long skirts, so it all looked a kind of classics.

....the teachers were much stricter at the time of our parents and our grandparents. The teachers also hid the students if they do "bad things".

....in our class are about 20 to 25 stundents but in our grandparents classes were mostly over 40 kind and they were not only the some age. The students were sometimes  from grade 1-4.

....still our parents had to learn Russian and they couln't choose like we do. Some lernd speaking English or even Frensh since grade 8.

....in some schools the boys were seperated from the girls.

school earlier:


and school today:


  1. Nice blog, it's very clear:)
    Polish school has changed a lot, too.
    Luckily, we don't have uniforms in my school:)

  2. Our parents and grandparents said:

    "We didn’t have computers(...)We had to go to school on Saturdays and on the last day of a year(...)And we didn't have any extra lessons, trips abroad or projects like Comenius"

    Of course teachers were stricter and they were obligated to wear uniforms.

    We think school now is far better.


  3. Nice blogg! Like the photo where you showed school before and now. Cool!
